I am unhappy now. Everything I did, there must be a regret after then. I want to live my life to the fullest. Why cant I? I just wish if there still awie, skem and ridzuan in my class. I wouldn't be down every day. I never expect that I'll live my life like this. It is like shit. Recess time, everyday jaga tmpat haram tu kat canteen. Then recently, i DONT KNOW WHY, diyana keep on duty at the gate and canteen. That makes my life worse everyday. That was my place for almost 2 months la. get the hell away from there can or not? Then I just heard people saying ejad dah pkai baju putih weh, but I didnt see him at all? it like almost 2 weeks tak nmpk die. am I blind? Or I've mesmerized with other thing je lebih. herghh. Then people keep asking me, kao gduh nan teha balik ke?" If I could only give them my legs kindly. We're already friend bck la. It just that kteorg still tak leh get along. no space for me to be three-gether. yeah, as well there are diela and diyanah. teha also dont show me a positive sign. mcm theres no me. I dont want to compete to have teha, mcm org bodo. As long there always miera by my side, i kinda better skit. but im still down :(