Sunday, July 22, 2012


Guesss what? its going to be 5p.m. i havent take my bath yet. weWEwewe ! Its 2nd of Ramadan. Nanti lepas dah post thiss, aku janji aku akan terus mandi. hewhew. Nahh. people said a true friend is the one who trusts you when everyone dont, who forgives you when you're wrong, who likes you when nobody do and also who knows you the best even its not.  Nahhh, bullshits. A true friend never exist. Harhar, but I do believe :

Aku bukan manusiaa bersifat maksom. I did wrongs and sins. either I realise it or not. I love  being around her. At first I was like, what did i do ? This must be something aku buat aku tak sedar. Aku terfikir jugak pasal the incident masa teacher's day, but my heart keep deny it, sbb takkan dia sebegitu tak open minded and so on. haihh, without telling anyone abt the ignorance between us. aku taknak kalau citer kat naziefa, syema, aida ke sape2 akan buat dieorg rasa bersalah nk layan mana satu. One fine night, a few days later, I was having a chitchat with Faz, and Idk why I told him abt this. okay, he's one of my friend that i comfort to talk abt yaa things like this and etc. then I told Syema. and she's willing to help me.

A day before going back for midyear holidays, She told me the reasons why she dont speak to me. Syema said it is reasonable laa knp dia buat mcm tu. then Syema cerita what and why dia marah aku. I felt guilty after lintening to her story. how rude i am to her. dia tggu kat toilet and waiting for the person who did it dtg ask how was she, and seek for appologize. I know how it feels. then Syema kata kau ada elergic mata, dan sampai demam2 malam tuu. at that moment, dlm fikiran aku, Tera you're totally wrong in this case. but not after Syema told me apa kau harapkan aku buat. Mintak maaf dan mengaku kesalahan aku. mula2 rileks jee, lepas fikir2- eh makkkk aii, aku dah dua kali mintak maaf. first, masa dia nak pergi toilet. second kat dalam bilik rehat. apa besar beno pangkat dia nak aku rayu gitu. yela setan punn dah menguasai diri selepas ituu. okay fine mybe aku bergurau kasar. tp niat aku just for fun, nak berseronok. takde punn smpai nak buat kau demam keee apa ke. as to me, dah kira baik aku dah mintak maaf dan fyi aku dulu bkn org yg akan on the spot mintak maaf bila gaduh. sbbnya aku mmg dah azam takmo gaduh dgn sesiapa punn maka aku punn mintak maaf taknak berlarutan. but this is how you treat me back. youre wrong. Ini TERA GEMOK laaaaaaa. bermula saat tuu, aku sumpah tak heran dan terfikir pasal diaa. to me pergi lantak. dan setiap kali dia depan aku, i feel nothing. baling tepungg je kot bg aku. errr

Benda niyh mula dtg semula, selepas aku terperasan dia buat muka. err, mybe bg dia tak. bg aku YES she did.  dann makin menyampahhhh !!!  tiba2 masa program alumni 3 haritu aku tak ingt sgt muka org aku mimpi tp muka Faz jelas nmpk. aku rasa dia punn ada kot. dan aku mimpi berturut2, haihh siyes ganggu fikiran aku. everyone of us, ketawa happy2 gilos. kebetulan mggu tu mggu terakhir Syaaban dan Ramadan dah nk smpai. aku tak tahu mcm mana aku terniat untuk berbaik dgn mereka. haihhh, so malas tak malas laa kann akuu kena jugakk lee. sbenarnya sebelum balik malam khamis tuu aku nakk approach kau masa mgrib tp tak jadi. sekeliling aku ada halangan. then as I promised I'll make the first talk, I msg her ucap selamat berpuasa. and she replied. Alhamdulillah. aku siyes berusaha to forget the past. tp mcm aku kata aku susah nk ckp dgn org aku gaduh. haihh, biar masa yg tentukan. aku siyes pasrah. to be like we used to mmg takk laaa. tp we still can be friends. semoga tiada lg perselisihan fhm antara kita :)

ohyaa, she's the one smiling sweetly on the centre of the picture. She's preety. She's different than others of my friends i have known. its fun berceloteh dgn dia, dgr cerita dia everyday. aku tak tahu lee aku rindukan keadaan itu ke takk or kemarahan dan ego aku yg menidakkan sbb aku tak rasa pape punn. Siyes, aku berserah dengan ketentuanNya. apa yg akan berlaku selepas ini. He knows the best.