Sunday, June 27, 2010

Forever and ever

PMR 100 hari lg. Alamak !!
result tuk Current mid year exam : 4A1B3C.
As usual Sejarah, Geo serta Kh aku C.
Huuaaaa. cmni nak amek PMR? erg ! :'(

Saturday, June 26, 2010

mak oi, I just miss that moment. aw aw
2RK 2009 awwwwww !!
there was the freeking non stop friends who made
me laugh my ass off non stop.
Its hard to make us be in one tiny small class back
but I just wish if we can be like we use to be
sure best giler kan? :')


Friday, June 25, 2010


Every day I pray and I ask myself, "Why did Allah meet me with Teha?" I called Nad few days past right after I read ur update How on earth you said she is a Bitch? You know or not apa itu Bitch? or you are also a bitch ke smpai pggl org bitch? aku kalo maki un sekali jep bila marah but melalui mulut not by update. You know or not. This akn rosak nama baik org? oh yeah the word Bitch, Jad use to call me that even die tak mengaku. logic thinking who else yg die mksud an? Aku kenal kao sgt sgt. Kao bukan teha yg skrg, yg full of fakes out and inside. igt tak dulu what were you? kao mana ada buat lawak which I call it loser lawak? then lawak suma ikut org. copy ayat org punya. its not funny to me but annoying. Find A Life which is you!

Okay here comes abt Liyaa. I know Liyaa tak wujud kan. I mean as a ur reality friend. hati aku dari awal kuat mengatakan die takde tp sbgai kwn aku terpkse percaya. Then aku dah selidik dah. dan smpai aku dah un tnya kao, tp kao tak ngaku pun. komen profile Liyaa, takde byk pun. then kalo ada un thanks for the add. tu jep. I know. then kao guna account tu untk tnya kat Ramzi pasal diri kao sendiri. Dan kao komen gmbr kao sendiri. Liyaa not in ur Top friend kat Ms kao, takde komen un antara korg lgsg. kao kata kao kuar di Mydin, pasar malm, mak liyaa meninggal? you know why, keraguaan occur sbb parents kao plg payah nak kasi kao kuar uma. okay prove it, then Aku akan pertimbangkan kebnarannya. dan yg kat formspring kao pasal emotion pape tah. tu bohong. the purpose aku ckp pasal nie sbb this is proves u are fake.

Abt Naad, I lied to you this whole while. in ur blog.I guess u shouldn't done that. about love. hm I understand how high is ur love towards Ramzi and you cant over him. tp tak bermakna kao kene desprete mcm tu. where's ur pride? Igt tak ayat kao "namie hnya untuk miera" sapa kao nak tentu kan hak org? aku mmg suka tgk dieorg bersama tp, aku just serah pada takdir. kao igt ayt "sekali cinta aku tetap cinta"? I meant it. and u know that I still like Jad. and die abg angkat kao, atas permintaan kao, dan kao update kat blog pasal Jad, I as ur friend, what I felt kan? pena kao fikir? ke kao mmg saje buat aku rasa cmtu? jgn la ckp kao tak bermksud dan tak tao akuu akan rasa apa? u act like an angel dari kayangan sutera. my god, selepas aku baca komen korg kat ms.

aku mmg bukan baik punn. so emotional. tp one thing I know abt myself, aku tak suka kecik kan hati org,so I'll keep it insie my heart and one day I cant stand it anymore, i'll burst and bring the past and never say without having proves. igt keje jhat pena kte buat? masa form two. I reliezed. I did that dgn ajakan. and aku pena terfkir mse tu yg aku tak nak buat. kalo kao kwn aku, kao sure perasan aku mcm ngelat sbb aku rasa berslah. dan bila fikir skrg, kao suka revenge kan? igt aku pena minta nasihat kao pasal diyana ke sape, kao ckp kalo kao jd aku, kao akn balas dendam tp lepas PMR. skrg aku rasa kao sngaje jep tak rapat nan aku, dan i dont care. miera suka ikut apa org ckp, i know her. and thats why aku syg die. aku rasa bodo sbb menipu diri aku, please rujuk buku sej form3 pg 188. cari temenggung Jugah. then aku rasa kao sure fhm apa maksud aku.

Aku ada byk peluang nak ckp nan kao pasal apa yg aku fikir, tp aku tak nak, takut kita gaduh. so kat blog nie aku tulis sikit sbyk yg aku nak sgt luah kat kao. isnin, please act that I said nothing. kao nak marah aku marah la. ckp apa kao nak ckp. but please no more fight. dan kat tun tuah kwn kbyakan mkn kwn. so as i dah pena ckp, aku akan try to get out from tun tuah dgn result aku nnti. kalo tak baik, aku try pujuk ayah aku nak msuk skola biasa yg lain. sbb aku dah tak tahan belakon bahagia kat tun tuah.

CR world

maaf yep. saya tbe2 minat Portugal sbb ada Cristiano Ronaldo. tapi saya tetap tak minat bola. *menggedik. opps. die kacak. korang minat justin bieber kan? pegi la. aku tak heran :p

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


jln cari mamam

I like gegar gegar

Taufan wind
helicopter waiting for
Dr sms
main roller coaster. Haha

muka mcm @#$&!

tak bermaksud amek gmbar nie

Saturday, June 19, 2010

autumn's concerto

Oooh yeah. I miss school. I move too slow as the time pass soo fast and I just noticed that. I attended my extra classes, I went out with friends twice last week. I went to Melaka Wonderland. I watch 4 movies with my cousins, friends. I attended my tuition classes. Have a nice evening with friends. I went to Sukma. Eat very alot and alot.

Focus watching Autumn's Concerto, Taiwan movie. and I had a dream recently. wierd dream which were ;
There's five wierd thing that I wish to feel it. First, to be happy more than i should be when im with him last year, a special person that would cover me with his blazer when im cold, to be like other lucky girls which has nice body type, Has friends that care and love me and a very very special person who brings me to a better life which believes in Allah and Islam.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I miss school

Chill. Rabu/160610
Pg tu hujan. so kira kami sgguh bertuah
sunblock pkai 5.89 inci hahak :DD

Thursday, June 17, 2010


What would you do if you were in my shoes?
  • need to choose either last BF nor ur current BF?
  • to take care ur last BF's heart nor current BF's heart?
  • ur last BF's happiness or ur current BF's happiness?
I already feel it this would happen before we went hari tu. and tgk apa dah jadi? Okay think la what ever you are thinking. Idec. aku penat la. rn i know, I love both of you. I dont want to have any quarrel. bye!

Monday, June 14, 2010

al- kisah 2009

Sekejap jekan dah setahun lebih air nie aku simpan.
Haha. Aku tak minum minum
firstly, nak jadikan kenangan, ehhe
second, aku tak minat oren la. uwekk ! *nak muntah
Third, aku mmg tak kan pena akan minum
forth, dan takkan boleh minum dah lg
sbb da expired pd 080610 yg lalu
Haha. nak sim pan lg ke? ke nak buang?
buang sygg la :p

Majulah Sukan demi Negara aw

Crowd kat Sukma mmg gler gempak ler
tekak ak un sakit dah skrg.
dieorg memekak, menjerit,
terpekik terlolong
main gendang, pancaragam
kompang, hon.
wow. pengalaman la.

mereka terlalu bersmgt. Haha
Thank you korang backup aku memekak
bapak dieorg terlalu tggi siot
hoki perempuan melaka kalah 6-0
bodo bodo cangok !

Sepak takraw lelaki main 3 set for first team.
mng. yg lain team tak tao. dah kena balik.
Sepak takraw paling gempak aw aw

Saturday, June 12, 2010

LBS yaw

Bila cinta kini
Tak lagi bermakna
Yang ku rasa kini
Hanyalah nestapa
Di tinggalkan cinta masa lalu

Dulu kau tawarkan
Manisnya janjimu
Dan ku sambut itu
Dengan segenap hatiku
Bila engkau pergi
Tinggalkan ku

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku memilih
Cinta yang fana

Perginya dirimu
Merobek jantungku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan
Dalam harapan

*Lagu nie baut aku nanges aw bila tgk citer tu.

Oh mcDonal has a farm. ea ea oo

everything wasn't plan.
pegi dgn ayah miera yaw
kite jmpe kat big apple
pegi beli tiket wyg.
jalan ikut haluan msg2.
gi outlet brand
kecheng kecheng
jmpe kat karaoke at DP
lepas tu walk walk
smpai pawagam agk early
then gi main lawan kete
this was my first time.
sonok siot.
first : nami
second : hanis * main tipu siot
third : me Haha
forth : miera
tgk then.
Lagenda budak setan
Huaa. aku nanes.
dieorg perasan
maluuu siot.
dieorg hati batu. tak nanges.
citer nie best laalalala
then habis, lwan lg kete. Haha sonok siot
then berpecah.
gi take photo mini
kiteorg makan mcd yaw !
then gi karaoke lg kat mp
sonok giler.
plg best la karaoke kat situ :p
balik pukul 8
sekian time kasih aw aw

Fifa World Club 2010-Afrika Selatan

sorry la dudes, aku tak minat bola la
so tak yah la msg aku
smata mata tnya pasal bola
jiran jiran kuu,
tlg la tido okay. kalo
goal tak yah memekak menjerit
aku nak tido.
aku main batu seremban kat uma jek
Ada faham? ^^

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'll try the best that I could

Namie, thanks a lot.
you have made me begitu bersemagat nak
belajar bersgguh-sgguh.
I saved the password mrsm tu
sng sng i'll jengah laman tu
I'll make sure I enter MRSM
or at least anywhere better for my future life
and out from tun tuah.
you're right, i'll miss how fun it was tun tuah
but its for my own good kan?
peluang berjaya lbh cerah

Sejarah saya C, so what?

I wish to smile every single day in my life,
every second in my days.
When I wash my hair with my previous shampoo
I'll remember you. untill when im shampoo-ing
I hold my breath, and I suffer for a few minutes
so I wont smell the smell of it
Every time i want to use my adidas purfume
I'll always think twice
bcause I will remember the smell
everytime I meet you dulu.
Everytime I open my cupboard
I scare to see a plastic folded
fills with the thing you gave me
the memories we had
when I went to Thai Kuang, MP
even the starbucks, the road to cross to DP,
Entrance of DP, Daiso
I'll always remember you
Its almost evrything I did I'll remember you
even the baju kurung, tudung, my old phone
the shirts, the surau
all remind me of you.
I hate it, becase im suffering
Allah, please get me over it.
It has been too long