Tolong laa wonder why Im still here,
online freely at home, on the bed.
harhar. Okay Im not feeling well
truely not well.
since Saturday, no I mean Friday night
dah ada symptoms. Err
and It feels sucks.
as for your information,
I am a person that RARELY sick.
but now I DO
Ujian daripada Allah.
and guess what ?!
I met the doctor last Saturday night.
And the doctor gave me 3days MC.
For your info, malam tadi suppose ada POTLUCK. ehh not. yang sebenarnya to have mini suprise birthday gathering for Cikgu Nani. I really wish to be there. but I really cant. Sebabnya, at first aku fikir nak balik jee. kuatkan diri, tahann. And i know im a person that tuff. but when I woke up on Sunday morning, my mum ask me, are you going back or not. And thats made me think again and again. until i decided to take the MC because I want to be strengthfull when I go back for school. I want to be a new ATHIRAH. dengan azam dan tekad baru. Put on more focus on each subjects. and what if I go back, act to be strong but actually im not. thenn terlemau sana sini, belajar punn melayang nnti. And I think that small gathering will be fine without me. I do really beria nak pergi but mybe the next time ada lg kot. or at least end-year gathering before SPM ?! kann ?
I just got the phone call from
Aliah Nad and Naziefa.
They told me Cikgu Nani tak datang.
and they not really enjoying themselve.
I was really dissapointed.
i mean truely truely.
We planned this for the past one month
we wanted to show our appreatiate
for her. but this is what we got.
no never mind.
mybe she has some other
important things to do
but we truely sincerely nak celebrate her.
sedihh takk ? punya berkobar buat group 5 Einstein.
tapi mcm ini hasilnya.
Matlamat tak tercapai. even I wasnt there
but It do bother me. haihh
i really sorry for the rest of 5Einstein.
thanks alot for you guys
I'll remember this like forever.
thanks again friends.
#ada Hikmahlaa kot benda ni berlaku
aku pinn sedihhhh, but apa boleh buatkannnnn?!
wait for me this Tuesday k ♥