KRS KRS KRS - Kadet Remaja Sekolah.
Dulu, masa kat Tun Tuah, I never learn much
abt Marching. Basic jele tahu kot, tuu
punn blur blur gakk.
Harap jep jawatan tinggi kooot.
I decided to enter Kawad Kaki.
Bah ! The formasi tersgt laa enjoyyy okay !
I first experience, wakil daerah.
I had fun, enjoy myself
SBPIS won the first place for both
putera & puteri kawad kaki.
komander lelaki & pompuan terbaikk.
hehe, lepas niyh wakil negeri.
Habes, SMK Malim mesti conquer. Hoho.
I hope at least dpt tempat, dah Alhamdulillah, Amin :DD